Berlin Regulars’ Table of the VDRW

10.12.2009 (18:30)

Restaurant.Uhlandstraße 51, 10719 Berlin.

The continuation:

On 8 October 2009, the Berlin regulars’ table of the VDRW took place in the packed winter garden of the restaurant “Grüne Lampe”. In addition to VDRW members, numerous interested people came from Berlin, the surrounding area and even directly from Russia. Experienced lawyers were represented alongside students and trainees as well as entrepreneurs, cultural workers and other service providers in the field of German-Russian exchange. The charming hostess and owner of the restaurant, Mrs. Julia Gutsch, served Russian specialities with her staff, while the friends of the Stammtisch had a lively exchange about their personal and professional experiences in Germany and Russia. Since everyone also introduced themselves briefly at the beginning, the participants were able to approach their desired conversation partner directly. We received consistently positive feedback on the successful evening, which is why we are now supporting the continuation of the regulars’ table. Now everyone will have the opportunity to participate. We want to find out whether the regulars’ table will continue in its present form or whether the majority of the regulars’ table friends would like a more substantive framework with accompanying lectures on specific German-Russian topics.
