The DRJV has granted the German-Russian Legal Award annually since 2011. Co-organisers are the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, the German-Russian Chamber of Foreign Trade, the Centre for Eastern European Law Graz, the Ostinstitut Wismar and the Wiesbaden Institute for Law and Economics. Thanks go to the sponsors and the jury, without whose support the competition would not be possible.
The award is granted for outstanding comparative law work between Russia and the German-speaking countries. In particular, young lawyers are to be encouraged to deal with this topic academically. The prize is offered in four categories; one student and one academic paper are honoured, each in German and Russian.
Numerous papers were submitted again for the German-Russian Legal Award 2021. The winners will be announced in summer/autumn 2021.
The award for the best German-language academic paper goes to Mr Pavel Usvatov for his dissertation "The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation: Independent Financial Controller or Instrument of Control of the Governance? The Law and Practice of Financial Control in Russia in Comparison with the Federal Audit Office" at the University of Hamburg. The jury did not award a prize for a German-language student paper this year. The prize for the best Russian-language student paper was awarded to Mr Tamerlan Zelikov for his thesis "Сравнительно-правовой анализ договора подряда в Российской Федераци и Федеративной Республике Германия" at the MGU. In the Russian-language academic papers, the jury awarded two prizes ex aequo: Ms Darja Levina is awarded for her dissertation at MGU on the topic "Влияние места исполнения договорного обязательства на применимое право и международную подсудность". In addition, Mr Alexander Salenko from Kaliningrad is honoured for a complex of five comparative law essays on the law of assembly. The jury awards a special prize to "Комментарий к Конституции Российской Федерации", edited by Bernd Wieser, for its outstanding contribution to bilateral legal dialogue.
The award for the best German-language student thesis goes to Mr Klaus Rudolf Moder for his diploma thesis on "The legal status of the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal President of Austria in legal comparison" at the University of Graz. The award for the best student paper was granted to Ms Viktoria A. Beresjuk from St. Petersburg for her paper "Налогообложение контролируемых иностранных компаний по законодательству Германии и России: сравнительно-правовой аспект. The award for the best German-language academic paper was granted to Ms Maria Bozhenova for her dissertation "Die Unternehmensbestattung - strafrechtliche Probleme in Deutschland und Russland" at the University of Passau. Der award for the best academic paper in Russian language is granted equally To Ms. Marina V. Smirnowa or her dissertation „Сравнительно-правовой анализ ничтожности сделки по праву России и Германии“ at the All-Russian STate University of the Justice Moscow and To Mr. Kirill V. Nam from Moscoow for his work „Принцип добросовестности: Развитие, система, проблемы теории и практики“. The jury awarded a special prize to Mr Tikhon P. Podzhivalov for his monograph on the topic: "Негаторный иск: Проблемы теории и практики (Negatory Complaint: Problems of Theory and Practice)".
the prize for the best German-language student thesis went to Ms Alena Makarova for her Master's thesis "Die Gründung der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung im deutschen Recht. Comparison with Russian Law with a Focus on the Electronic Procedure" at the University of Hamburg. On the Russian side, the prize for the best student thesis was shared. Er ging zu gleichen Teilen an Frau Polina Medvedeva aus Moskau für die Arbeit „Сравнительно-правовой анализ институтов доверительного управления имуществом по праву Германии и России“ und an Frau Anna Bykovskaja von der Universität Krasnojarsk für die Arbeit „Рассмотрение дел в порядке упрощенного производства как тенденция развития уголовного процесса в странах континентальной системы“. The prize for the best German-language academic paper was awarded to Ms Julia Haak for her dissertation "The Effect and Implementation of Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights: A Comparison of Law between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Russian Federation" at the University of Passau. For the dissertation "Правовое регулирование отношений в сфере рекламы, содержащей сравнение рекламируемого товара с товарами конкурентов, в РФ и ФРГ" at the University of Friendship of Peoples Moscow, Ms Irina Ermakova received the prize for the best Russian-language academic paper. In addition, the jury awarded Ms Eugenia Kurzynsky-Singer a special prize for her post-doctoral thesis "Transformation of the Russian Property System. A Comparative Analysis from the Perspective of German Law".
Ms Marina Falileeva from Moscow received the prize for the best German-language student thesis for her master's thesis "Geschäftsleiterhaftung in der GmbH nach deutschem und russischem Recht: Rechtsvergleich" (Managing Director Liability in a Private Limited Company under German and Russian Law: Comparison of Law) as part of the LL.M. programme of the FU Berlin and MGIMO. The prize for the best Russian-language student thesis was awarded to Ms Darja Savranskaja from Moscow for her master's thesis "Кабальные Сделки" at the Research Centre for Private Law under the President of the RF. The prize for the best German-language academic work was shared and went to Dr Liudmila Keul for her dissertation "Russian Law of Enrichment: Systematic Presentation and Selected Problems" at the University of Kiel and Dr Frommann (née Zaykova) for her dissertation "The Legal Framework for Mining Access to Oil and Gas Deposits in the Russian Federation in Comparison with German Mining Law" at the Free University of Berlin. Die Dissertation von Frau Carolin Laue „Гражданско-правовая ответственность банков в расчетных правоотношениях по законодательству Германии и Российской Федерации (сравнительно-правовой аспект)“ an der Moskauer staatlichen juristischen Universität (МГЮА) erhielt den Preis für die beste russischsprachige wissenschaftliche Arbeit. The jury also awarded two special prizes. Ms Tanja Galander received a special prize for the work "Russian Business Law. Guide to Business Activity". Mr Kamil Arslanov from Kazan was awarded a special prize for his total of 12 essays on German-Russian law from 2015 to 2017.
Ms Carolin Becker received the prize for the best German-language student thesis for her Master's thesis "A Comparative Legal Presentation of the NGO Laws of Germany, Russia and the USA" at the Wismar University of Applied Sciences. The prize for the best German-language academic paper was split, with half going to Dr Anke Allenhöfer for her dissertation "Shareholder agreements in corporations: a comparative study of German and Russian law" at the University of Regensburg and half to Dr Anne-Kathrin Rühr for her dissertation "Instruments of individual protection of fundamental rights in the Russian Federation" at the University of Greifswald. The winner for the best Russian-language student thesis was Ms Daria Grišina for her thesis "Контроль зазаконностью ненормативных правовых актов публичного управления в России и Германии" at Krasnoyarsk State University. The prize for the best Russian-language academic paper was awarded to Ms Nina Symaniuk for her dissertation on "Сравнительное конституционно - правовое исследование порядка распределения компетенции в федеративных системах России и Германии" at Ekaterinburg University.
The prize for the best German-language student thesis went to Ms Ekaterina Sokur for her Master's thesis "Privacy protection vs. freedom of the press: A comparative study of German and Russian law in the light of the ECHR" at the University of Göttingen. The prize for the best German-language academic paper went to Dr Julia Gerzen for her dissertation "Das Recht der Gesellschafterfremdfinanzierung" at the Free University of Berlin. The winner for the best Russian-language student thesis was Mr Dmitry Gudkov for his thesis "Проблема квалификации отношений сторон до разрешения отлагательного условия" at the MGU in Moscow. Den Preis für die beste russischsprachige wissenschaftliche Arbeit erhielt Frau Prof. Dr. Elena Gricenko von der Universität St. Petersburg für zwei Arbeiten zum Kommunalrecht („В поисках утраченных идеалов: российская муниципальная реформа и опыт Германии“ und „Конституционно-правовые основы передачи государственных и муниципальных задач частным субъектам в российском праве“). Prof. Dr. Bernd Wieser from the University of Graz received a special prize for the "Handbook of the Russian Constitution".
the prize for the best German-language paper went equally to Dr Svetlana Paramonova for her dissertation "Criminal Jurisdiction in Cyberspeech: Legal Situation in Germany, Russia and the USA" at the University of Passau and Ms Olga Prokopyeva for her master's thesis "Comparative Investigation of Sovereign Powers to avert Danger at Public Meetings in the Open Air on the Basis of the Assembly Laws of Germany and Russia" at the University of Potsdam. The prize for the best Russian-language paper was also shared. It went equally to Ms Karina A. Ponomareva from the University of Omsk for her work on "Budgetary Liability in the Russian Federation and the Federal Republic of Germany (Comparative Law Study)" and to Ms Marina W. Smirnova for her student research project on "The Concept and Types of Nullity of Contracts under the Legislation of Russia and Germany" at the Russian Law Academy of the RF Ministry of Justice in Moscow.
the prize for the best German-language paper went in equal parts to Dr Valeria Schöttle for her dissertation "The General Part of Intellectual Property Law in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation" at Saarland University and Dr Elena Timofeeva for her dissertation "Unbundling in the Russian Electricity Industry in Comparison with German and European Energy Law" at FU Berlin. The prize for the best Russian-language paper was awarded to Ms Anna F. Vasiljeva from the University of Krasnoyarsk for her thesis: "Сервисное Государство: административно-правовое исследование оказания публичных услуг в Германии и России". A special prize was awarded to Prof. Lachno and Prof. Säcker for the manual "Энергетическое Право России и Германии".
the prize for the best German-language paper was awarded to Jürgen Telke for his dissertation "Russian Corporate Law" at the University of Kiel. The prize for the best Russian-language paper was awarded in equal parts to Ms Irina A. Jemelkina from Saransk for her monograph on the topic: "Cистема ограниченных вещных прав на земельный участок" and Ms Elena V. Čerkasova from the Lomonosov University in Moscow for her student research project "Поссессорная защита".
The prize for the best German-language thesis was shared by Vladimir Primaczenko for his dissertation "Fiduciary Asset Management under Russian Law" at the University of Kiel and Nikita Malevanny for his Master's thesis "Corporate Takeovers - A Comparative Legal Study of German and Russian Law and the EU Takeover Directive" at the University of Freiburg/Breisgau. The prize for the best Russian-language thesis was awarded to Victor Yurkov for his dissertation on "Примирение с потерпевшим в уголовном праве по делам несовершеннолетних в России и Германии "at the Siberian Federal University of Krasnoyarsk.