The new Russian Customs Code
16.04.2004 (10:00)
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Albert-Schäfer-Saal.Adolphsplatz 1, 20095 Hamburg.
16.04.2004 (10:00)
Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Albert-Schäfer-Saal.Adolphsplatz 1, 20095 Hamburg.
The event will be simultaneously translated from Russian into German. The conference fee is EUR 345 (amount excl. VAT) or EUR 245 (amount excl. VAT) for OMV members and members of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.
The conference fee includes the conference documents as well as lunch and drinks. The invoice with confirmation of registration will be sent to you after registration. The registration deadline is 13 April 2004. Cancellations after 13 April 2004 will incur a cancellation fee of EUR 130,–.
Members of the Association for German-Russian Business Law (Vereinigung für deutsch-russisches Wirtschaftsrecht e.V.) will receive a reduced participation fee if they register in the members’ area.
The Ost- und Mitteleuropa Verein e.V. is responsible for organising the conference.
Contact: Ms Katrin Morosow (Email:, Tel.: 040 / 32 52 57 39), Fax: 040 / 32 35 78, Ferdinandstraße 36, 20095 Hamburg.