Invitation to the discussion event
Schöttlestraße 8, 70597 Stuttgart
Schöttlestraße 8, 70597 Stuttgart
Discussion event of the Regional Group Stuttgart
6:30 pm, Welcome:
Dr. Christina Maier and Dr. Wolfram Gärtner, Stuttgart Regional Group of the German-Russian Lawyers Association e.V.
Dr. Dorothee Ruckteschler, CMS Hasche Sigle
18:40, Dr. Wolfram Gärtner, The Reform of the Civil Code – Status and Perspectives
19:00, John Hammond, CMS Hasche Sigle, Current experiences from CMS’s Russia practice
19:20, Discussion
19:40, Nathalie Wenzel and Frank Möller, German-Russian Management Network e.V., Presentation of the Presidential Programme “Fit for Business in Russia
20:00, Get-together at the invitation of the law firm CMS Hasche Sigle
The event will take place at the offices of the law firm CMS Hasche Sigle, Schöttlestraße 8, 70597 Stuttgart. Participation is free of charge. Pre-registration by email is requested by 18.03.2013 to the address