Expert conference on the occasion of Prof. Dr. Otto Luchterhandt’s 70th birthday on the topic: “20 years of the Russian Constitution – a reason to celebrate?”
in the Kirchhof Hall of the "Patriotic Society of 1765
in the Kirchhof Hall of the "Patriotic Society of 1765
The German-Russian Lawyers’ Association e.V. and the Ostinstitut Wismar e.V. are organising a specialist conference on Friday, 15.11.2013 from 2.00 p.m. to approx. 6.30 p.m. in the Kirchhof Hall of the “Patriotic Society of 1765” (Trostbrücke 4-6, 20457 Hamburg) on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Otto Luchterhandt, member of the board of the German-Russian Lawyers’ Association and of the board of the Ostinstitut e.V. on the topic:
“20 years of the Russian Constitution – a reason to celebrate?”
20 years ago, the Russian Constitution came into force after fierce disputes and a referendum. It anchored Russia in the European context with its state structure and fundamental rights.
Since then, a great deal has changed in Russian law. The 1993 constitution, on the other hand, has hardly been changed in its wording. Its interpretation, on the other hand, has been subject to strong fluctuations and has triggered much discussion.
This is reason enough to take a critical look at the Russian Constitution and to examine selected areas more closely. Proven experts will shed light on individual topics before the event ends with a discussion.
A conference fee of € 30.00 for members of DRJV or Ostinstitut and € 70.00 for guests will be charged for participation in the conference and champagne reception. A reduction is possible for students/referees on application.
For dinner, a menu will be offered (costs incl. drinks € 60.00), which each participant has to pay for in the restaurant (self-pay).
Registration is required for the conference and (or) the dinner (Mail:, Fax: 040 / 38 999 333 or at
Please note that the DRJV, as a non-profit association, is not authorised to issue invoices and therefore no invoices can be issued. We will only send registration confirmations on express request.
Conference programme
2.00 p.m.: Welcome, opening address
2.05 p.m.: Greeting Prof. Dr. Tilman Repgen, Dean Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg
2.15 p.m.: Greeting Prof. Dr. Andreas Steininger, Board of Directors Ostinstitut Wismar e.V.
2.25 p.m.: The constitutional consolidation of Russia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Prof. Dr. Michael Geistlinger, University of Salzburg)
3.25 p.m.: Is the President of the Russian Federation a State Power in His Own Right? Or: Otto Luchterhandt against (almost) the entire Russian constitutional law doctrine (Prof. Dr. Bernd Wieser, University of Graz)
16.25 hrs: Coffee break
16.45: The ECHR and the Russian Constitution (Prof. Dr. Caroline von Gall, Institute for Eastern European Law, University of Cologne)
5.45 p.m.: Otto Luchterhandt and Hamburg Eastern Law Research (Dr. Magdalena Pajor-Bytomski, Research Fellow at the Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg)
6.15 p.m.: Final discussion, summary, closing remarks
Followed by: champagne reception
7.30 p.m.: Dinner (self-pay) at the “Parlament” restaurant in Hamburg City Hall (Rathausmarkt 1, 20095 Hamburg)
Chair: Dr. Hans Janus, Chairman of the DRJV
Venue: Kirchhof Hall of the “Patriotische Gesellschaft von 1765” Trostbrücke 4-6, 20457 Hamburg