Investments in strategic sectors of the Russian economy
06.06.2008 (14:30)
Steigenberger Hotel Hamburg.Heiligengeistbrücke 4, 20459 Hamburg.S-Bahn Stadthausbrück; U-Bahn Rödingsmarkt.
06.06.2008 (14:30)
Steigenberger Hotel Hamburg.Heiligengeistbrücke 4, 20459 Hamburg.S-Bahn Stadthausbrück; U-Bahn Rödingsmarkt.
Investments in strategic sectors of the Russian economy
Finally clarity for foreign investors ?
Vladimir Putin has signed the Law on Investment in Strategic Sectors of the Russian Economy as one of his last acts as President of Russia. Long awaited, this law declares 42 sectors as being of strategic importance.
Foreign investments are subject to graduated approval requirements. Does the danger of creeping nationalisation persist or is there finally the long hoped for clarity of investment conditions for foreign investors ?
Speakers are:
Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Oda, University of London, The new Law on foreign Investments into Corporates with strategic importance for the country’s defence and the State’s security.
Prof. Dr. Rainer Wedde, RAe Beiten Burkhardt and FH Wiesbaden:
What impact on the practice of foreign investments in Russia can be expected from the new legislation ?
Participation in the event costs EUR 30.00 for VDRW members. The fee for guests is 80.00 EUR.
Prior registration is absolutely necessary for all participants.