Modernising the Russian Civil Code – a rough ride-
21.08.2012 (17:30)
Euler Hermes Deutschland-AG.Friedrichstraßße 69 (Quartier 205), entrance Taubenstraße, 6th floor, 10117 Berlin.
21.08.2012 (17:30)
Euler Hermes Deutschland-AG.Friedrichstraßße 69 (Quartier 205), entrance Taubenstraße, 6th floor, 10117 Berlin.
Modernising the Russian Civil Code
– a rough ride –
(Presentation and Discussion in English Language)
Our speaker: Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Oda, University of London (UCL), Attorney at Law (Japan) and Solicitor (England and Wales), Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.
Prof. Dr. Oda is an honorary member of the German-Russian Lawyers Association.
Modernisation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Since April this year, a draft law on the modernisation of the Civil Code has been before the State Duma. This is an ambitious project for the fundamental modernisation of the Civil Code, which has been discussed for many years. The reform package before the Duma comprises more than 300 pages. All areas of civil law will be affected. The reform law is expected to be passed in autumn. Until then, it is still a difficult road. The speaker will focus primarily on questions of legal persons and legal forms under company law.
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