Presidential election 2008
18.02.2008 (18:00)
in the rooms of Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG.Main administration building II.Gassstraße 27, 22763 Hamburg (S-Bahn Bahrenfeld).
18.02.2008 (18:00)
in the rooms of Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG.Main administration building II.Gassstraße 27, 22763 Hamburg (S-Bahn Bahrenfeld).
Prof. Dr. Otto Luchterhandt, Head of the Seminar Department for Eastern Law Research at the University of Hamburg, Deputy Chairman of the German-Russian Forum.
Christian Neef, DER SPIEGEL, Deputy Head of the Foreign Department
N.N. Representative of a German company
Dr. Hans Janus, Member of the Board of Euler Hermes Kreditversicherungs-AG, Chairman of the Association for German-Russian Commercial Law e.V.
(Introduction and moderation)
Participation is free of charge.