Russian Court System Revisited
25.08.2010 (17:00 - 19:00)
at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Alster Room.Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg.
25.08.2010 (17:00 - 19:00)
at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Alster Room.Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg.
The court system in Russia is currently undergoing far-reaching changes. Anton A. Ivanov, the President of the Supreme Economic Court (Vysšij Arbitražnyj Sud R.F.), has reported on plans to establish patent courts within the first instance of the economic courts. The law “On the Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure with the Participation of a Mediator (Mediation Procedure)” was recently published on 27.07.2010. According to a commentary in “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”, mediation could change the core of jurisprudence and improve the overall moral climate in the country. But the day-to-day delimitation of jurisdiction between the ordinary courts and the commercial courts is anything but straightforward. And what about the independence of the courts from corruption and political influence at the local or federal level? These and many other questions will be addressed by our speaker.
Our speaker: Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Oda, University of London,
Professor Oda is a world-renowned expert on Russian law issues. He has several decades of experience in this field as a lawyer, international arbitrator and university professor. Hiroshi Oda is the author of the 2nd edition of the standard work “Russian Commercial Law”.
Participation in the event is free of charge for VDRW members. Guests will be charged a participation fee of 20.00 EUR. (Account no. 70 23 641, Deutsche Bank PGK AG, sort code 200 700 24)
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