German Law Summer School (in Russian)


Frankfurt am Main, Berlin and Hamburg

The German-Russian Bar Association is supporting the German Business Law Summer School in Russian, which will take place from 20 July to 1 August 2015.

The course is aimed at young lawyers interested in comparative law. The course will present the main institutions and trends in the development of German law. The programme is structured in such a way that the participants will be introduced to the similarities and differences between German law and the legal systems of post-Soviet countries. In addition to theoretical lectures, there will also be practical exercises.

The summer school will take place in a number of German cities, including Frankfurt am Main, Berlin and Hamburg, and will include a tour and a cultural programme.

A number of members of our association will be presenting as speakers.

More information on the following website:

Sommerschule dt. Recht – letnjaja shkola nem. prava 2015