The latest Reform of Russian Corporate Law – The Civil Code Amendments of 5 May 2014

20.08.2014 (17:00 - 19:00)

in the rooms of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce

 Die Deutsch-Russische Juristenvereinigung e.V. führt am

Mittwoch, 20. August 2014 um 17.00 Uhr

in den Räumen der Handelskammer Hamburg

Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg

Raum: Alsterzimmer

eine Vortragsveranstaltung durch zu folgendem Thema:

The latest Reform of Russian Corporate Law –

The Civil Code Amendments of 5. May 2014

(Presentation and Discussion in English Language)

 Our Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Oda, University of London (UCL), Attorney at Law (Japan) and Solicitor (England and Wales), Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

 Prof. Dr. Oda is an Honorary Member of Deutsch-Russische Juristenvereinigung e.V.

Our speaker will analyze the most recent and very substantial amendments (see Federal Law No. 99-FZ of 5. May 2014) to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation concerning Corporate Law, e.g.

  • Types of Companies: Abolition of distinction between OAO and ZAO and replacement by concept of public and non-public companies;
  • Liability of shareholders and parent companies’ liability;
  • Shareholder Agreements;
  • Prospective Reforms of AO Law and OOO Law – the draft Laws.

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DRJV-Einladung Spb 4-9-2014 dt.