The modernisation of Russian criminal law on corruption since 2008
25.01.2012 (19:00)
Law firm Wessing & Partner.Rathausufer 16-17, 40213 Düsseldorf.From 8 p.m. Brauerei Zum Schiffchen, Hafenstraße 5, Düsseldorf-Altstadt.
25.01.2012 (19:00)
Law firm Wessing & Partner.Rathausufer 16-17, 40213 Düsseldorf.From 8 p.m. Brauerei Zum Schiffchen, Hafenstraße 5, Düsseldorf-Altstadt.
President Medvedev took office in 2008 with the clear goal of fighting corruption. Russia is currently ranked 143rd in the global corruption index of the NGO Transparency International. Dr. Rainer Birke will explain how Russian lawmakers have been trying to get to grips with the problem since 2008, using Russian criminal law on corruption as an example. In the subsequent discussion, participants will have the opportunity to discuss practically relevant cases.
Dr. Rainer Birke is a specialist lawyer for criminal law in Düsseldorf. He specialises in the areas of commercial and tax criminal law.